
Thank you for considering donating to Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary! As a 501(c)(3) organization, all contributions to CCFS are tax-deductible. For your tax records, our EIN is 83-2914563 and our address is 12626 NW CR 231, Gainesville, FL, 32609. There are several ways to donate. Would you like to know how we use donations at the sanctuary?
Donation Platforms
Some enjoy the convenience of paying with their PayPal account. Donors can even choose to cover fees so that we receive 100% of donations!
Donorbox is a simple, quick way to donate to CCFS, and they even give donors the option to cover the fees so that we can receive 100% of donations! 
If Venmo is more your style, our username is: crittercreekfs. There are no fees on this site.
Other Ways to Help
It truly takes a village to run a successful animal rescue and advocacy organization, and there are many ways to help!
Leaving a legacy at Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary ensures its long-term future and supports the animals who call it home. Click the button to learn more.
It takes a lot of supplies to keep the sanctuary running smoothly. From animal feed to toys for enrichment to farm supplies to veterinary care items,
we have a long list of needs.
© Critter Creek Farm Sanctuary